Is the page valid for the future?

If the created link page does not have access for one year, that page will be deleted.
We do best-effort but there is no guarantee as to the validity of the page.

I want to modify contents after creation.

You can not modify the contents later. Please recreate it.

How many links can I include?

It is limited to 20 links.

I want to delete advertisements.

Sorry, it is impossible.

I want to delete the page I created

Sorry, it is impossible. We only respond to deletion requests from official institutions or qualified individuals (such as police, lawyers, etc). As our site does not have a user registration system, we cannot verify the identity of the person who created the page.

Is it available for commercial use?

Yes. However, we do not guarantee anything.

Are there restrictions on content?

We may delete pages with contents like the following:

  1. Content related to an adult, violence, criminal, or obscene website
  2. Intent of performing an act of nuisance or a criminal act
  3. Illegal download or viewing, spamming, phishing scams, fraud link
  4. LinkMix page with too little content.
  5. LinkMix page generated by robot(s), script(s), or program(s)
  6. Anything which is contrary to public welfare, order or morality